Here we go - jumping into it

Some years ago I considered starting a blog, writing, taking notes for myself publicly, sharing these and other ideas, I obviously did not get very far as it always seemed to be the wrong time to start. There were many reasons for not starting (some good ones too), mostly it was time consuming. I usually have many "balls in the air", and adding one more just seemed like something that I would not complete or follow up on, without any external factors helping or pushing me.

Just a month ago, in December, I was discussing some issues with Anssi ( and during the discussion we touched into the theme of writing blog posts and sharing, and that both Anssi and I wanted to write more, in my case start to write. Coincidentally I read a blog post just prior to the meeting, where the author of that blog post, to which I'll hopefully find the link to and share later, explained that they were two colleagues that pushed each other to write more through different activities, on a regular basis, and challenged each other in different areas. I suggested that we probably could try something like that our selves, and then Anssi followed up with "Ok, lets just do it, we take turns every other week, and write a short blog post". 

Since I was given the honor of choosing week number, I procrastinated and chose even numbered weeks, so I could have one extra week to thing about how to start. Usually I like to get things done, and out of the way, especially if the tasks are short/small. So much time is wasted as people postpone/"snooze" tasks or mails, and then re-read them a number of times, but that could be a topic for another week. 

The coming, even weeks I will share my experience and thoughts in some of the fields of software testing that I am actively involved in like test processes, continuous delivery, continuous learning, devops and test automation, both in theory and practice. I will use this blog as a personal archive and journey of my learning, experiences and evolvement. Perhaps also worth noticing is that all of these opinions, and comments are my own and does not necessarily reflect my current employers views and opinions. 

Sometimes you just need to jump into things to see how they will turn out...


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